by oxnam | Jun 10, 2018 | Family
We were really excited for fathers day we made cakes and my dad opened cards and my mom got a text that Alexia had a meeting for church my mom thought it was odd that she had a meeting on fathers day so she checked the calendar and it wasn’t fathers day we were...
by oxnam | Jun 8, 2018 | Family
I hiked to the E with my family. It was hard work and was hot too. When we got to the top there was a cool breezy wind that felt so good. It was a beautiful sight of Emmett.
by oxnam | Jun 7, 2018 | Family
Today I went to the rec center with my cousins and after we went swimming we took a shower and after he took a shower we wrapped him in his towel. We set him on a bench in the changing room and he took off his towel and was running around naked and yelling around,...
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